Donations are greatly appreciated by the Foundation. These donations will be used for purpose of the Foundation: enhancing the lives of the residents!
We accept cash, checks and gifts.
Gifts can be mailed or hand-delivered to:
Wayne County Nursing Home Foundation
1529 Nye Road
Lyons, NY 14489
Phone Number: (315) 946-5673
Tribute Gifts: Gifts can be made "In memory" or "In honor" of a family member, friend, or even a member of our staff who had a particularly positive influence on your experience here. Gifts can be unrestricted or designated for a specific purpose. The Foundation Office will notify the honoree of the donor's tribute gift and will notify the surviving spouse or family member of a memorial gift. Please include the name of the honored individual in the memo line of the check or in an accompanying letter.
In-Kind Donations. New or gently-used non-cash items may be gifted to the Foundation. Gifts of materials or equipment must be directly related to the mission of our organization. Contact the Foundation or phone (315) 946-5673 for more information about how to make a gift-in-kind.
The foundation is currently looking for active members for the Board of Directors. Members with expertise in accounting and legal issues are needed.
Volunteers to work on fundraising, beautification projects, and committees are always welcome. Volunteers are able to make a big difference with the contribution of their time.
Contact the Wayne County Nursing Home Foundation President at (315) 946-5673 or
Schedule a tour at Wayne County Nursing Home & Rehab Center at your convenient date and time.